Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's grayish. Will it rain soon? In an hour or so I will walk about two miles, and I would prefer not to get wet.

Recently I play chess on Internet again, on Polish server "Kurnik". I got to the yellow ranking for a short while. First I got exactly 1500, then I won one game more and climbed to 1510, then I won another game, and climbed to... I don't know, than I lost 4 games in a row, in two sittings before I won one game. Oops, I still played more. Anyway, I am now only a miserable (:-) 1459. I won 44, drew 3, and lost 28 games. This positive proportion means only that my opponents had on average lower rating than me. The correlation between the won/lost ratio and ranking is weak. I'd rather have a negative won-lost score but play stronger opposition. Ironically, I had a clean score against my three top opponents, and even now I have a very positive score against my five top rated opponents:

opp r | won-drew-lost
 1720 | 1 0 0
 1699 | 1 0 0
 1668 | 2 3 0
 1651 | 1 0 0
 1615 | 2 1 0

Against the next one I played three blitz games. The first two were 5m, and I had no chance. In the third one, played at the 7m control, I had a good game but I was not good enough to carry it to success. I wish, we played more 7m games but it was already nice for a strong player to play me 3 games. Thus the next two entries, sorted by the rating of my opponents, look like this:

1612 | 0 0 3
1600 | 1 0 1

Next, my score is mixed until the tail of the list, occupied by weak players. Against the last 19 players I won 20 games, drew 2, and lost 5. I have a minimal, negative score against just two of them, 0-0-1.

I should stop lurking on poetic Internet places. On the Polish ones I even post occasionally. That's not a good way to get away, but, say, do I want to all the way to the end.

Knol trivia. I'll restrict my table tnow to 3+ votes (the ones rated only once or twice make a better impression :-).

      knol title     | rat | #vt | views | description
Mathematics -- index | 5 | 6 | 608 | my mthKnolsIndex
M sp univ for 2pt sp | 4 | 5 | 143 | metric spaces
Euclid-Heron             | 4 | 4 | 87 | triangle area, geom
Math -- two def-s        | 4 | 3 | 106 | mth, general
Top sp & cnt maps      | 4 | 3 | 66 | set topology, intro
Top.--the int. oper. | 5 | 3 | 43 | set topology

Ooooph, that's all. Time to go (and get soaked in the rain--I hope not).

Saturday, December 20, 2008

my knol stats and trivia update

By now too many of my knols were rated to waste time on a complete table of all rated knols. Most of them were rated only once though. Perhaps I'll waste time :-) on a table of those which were rated at least twice. Surprisingly, most of the scores are 5.0 (the top), With mostly one vote per knol it is a very fragile and not too meaningful statistics. They rarely are. I was pleased that some my non-mathematical knols got a positive response, even if minimal. It's a bit ironic that my most rated knols are mostly the ones which are not meritorious but logistic. My most popular and most rated knol is the index of my mathematical knols. It was rated 5 times (top rating each time, I think--Google irritates me by not providing the score explicitly and perfectly; instead, I see five gold stars; they look like solid gold, but are they?). I need to run now, more later (perhaps).

I'm back. I have three knols rated 1 (the lowest score), each time by one reader. One knol is about patents. Why would anyone react so strongly to such an innocent topic. Is this person somehow in the patenting business? Perhaps a patent office employee? Who knows. My another bottom rated knol is about the separation of the marriage notion and law+government. I advocate for years that it is not any business of the governmental and law agencies. A total blindness of law and government w.r. to the notion of marriage would empty many unnecessary problems and complications. And recently I "published" a list WhoWheWha (in progress) of people who had significant contributions to the human life quality. I wrote in a huge font that this knol is IN PROGRESS, that I have covered more or less only a few initial letters, for mathematicians only, plus a few musicians, plus two pure philosophers. Very soon I got rating 1. Most likely because I value philosophers and philosophy very little. I don't know. This is just a table with names, birth and death dates, and speciality--like mathematics, physics, music, biology... I want to add writers, movie directors, painters... Even politicians, including the pathological ones. This table takes awfully lot of time and effort though. At this moment it features 154 entries, 11 of them musical, 2 in philosophy, some in physics, astronomy. Only one in biology, Darwin, but I want to add Mendel.

Someone's knol gets in one week more pageviews than all 60++ of my knols over months.

Recently my knols are sprinkled with mostly single ratings, mostly the top one. One knol got rating while it has still only 3 pageviews. Another within hours since being "published"--Total logarithmic series, it has so far zero recorded pageviews, hey!

OK, time for the trivia table:

abbr. title - - - - - - |views#|rating|r-#|domain
Mth. -- index - - - - - | -608 |- 5 - | 5 |mth, general
Topology--sh-sh intro - | - 75 |- 4 - | 5 |mth topology
Met sp univ for 2-pt sp | -143 |- 4 - | 4 |mth metric sp
Euclid-Heron tr area - -| - 87 |- 4 - | 4 |mth geometry
Topological spaces ... -| - 66 |- 4 - | 3 |mth topology
The interior operation -| - 43 |- 5 - | 3 |mth topology
knolog - - - - - - - - -| -383 |- 5 - | 2 |general
Mathematical notation - | -263 |- 4.5 | 2 |mth, general
Right triangles - - - - | -160 |- 2.5 | 2 |mth geometry
ideals in Z, and gcd - -| -159 |- 2.5 | 2 |mth num th
Money--economy (part 1) | -147 |- 5 - | 2 |Art of Agr economy
Connected spaces - - - -| -122 |- 5 - | 2 |mth topologia
Mathematics -- two def -| -106 |- 5 - | 2 |mth, general
Top. subbases and bases | - 84 |- 5 - | 2 |mth topology
Kuratowski pairs & real.| - 76 |- 5 - | 2 |mth set theory
Met univ of (R^n d_m)--1| - 64 |- 5 - | 2 |mth Met sp
Factor. in semigroups - | - 56 |- 5 - | 2 |mth algebra
Birkhoff lattice of top | - 54 |- 5 - | 2 |mth topology
Infinitude of primes - 2| - 37 |- 5 - | 2 |mth num th
x^2 = -1 mod p(Euler)+W | - 34 |- 5 - | 2 |mth num th
Aleksandrov 2-pt sp - - | - 29 |- 5 - | 2 |mth topology
Cuts and miscuts - - - -| - 24 |- 5 - | 2 |mth topology
∞-Metrics - - - - - - - | - 22 |- 5 - | 2 |mth Met sp
Topological weight - - -| - 20 |- 5 - | 2 |mth topology
Fermat sequence base b -| - 13 |- 5 - | 2 |mth num th

I'm tired, it's well after midnight, I need to stop this now.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


" Will I or will I not get flu?" was not a question--I already had a flu, and the actual question is "how long?" will it keep me in its paws.

Google reformated knol environment, perhaps for the better. But it lost views! Now some of my knols have fewer views listed by google than I have recorded in the table. I wonder if they also lost some of the ratings? Perhaps not, because ratings are not anonymous to Google but attached to the readers. My quibbling is about trivia but I like trivia to be sharp, clean.