Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nothing but bloody chaos

It's wonderful for the USA and the world that the US has an Afro-American president, but on the other hand it will take at least two generations to undo the damage which is done these days by the new President (bailout, and so on), and which goes far beyond unprecedented for the US stealing, corruption, and mindless waste, which we are encountering right now. The still much worse thing than the economic damage is the creation of a new, huge bureaucracy. Now additional millions of people will be interested in a repulsive, bureaucratic, political system. Those who will oppose it will be labeled by all kind of demeaning descriptions like "not serious", "unrealistic", "trouble maker", etc. etc. and worse. They will be labeled so by bureaucracy and by still many more millions of people impressed by the authority and power--that's a degenerated way in which the survival instinct can work. People go with the might. They use their brain just to justify their atavistic reflex views. And they already smirk at those who would like to preserve human dignity and personal independence.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Zamiast wolnej konkurencji stworzono warunki do powstania warstwy magnackiej - wytworzyl sie totalitaryzm biurokratyczny, oligarchiczno ekonomiczny, pod pozorem wolnosci. To proces ostatnich dziesiecioleci.Obecne wydarzenia sa nastepstwem dotychczasowych procesow.Nie tylko w USA.

Biurokracja i warstwa Magnatow istnieja jedno dla drugiego i wzajemnie poteznieja, kosztem calej reszty.

Serdecznie pozdrawiam.
