Wednesday, July 11, 2007

a step beyond Euclid and Fermat, 3

Let's make our first step beyond Euclid and Fermat. Their sequences are so similar that they beg to be placed under a roof of a common generalization. Let a b be two integers. Let's define:
  • eufa b(0)  :=  a+b;
  • eufa b(n+1)  :=  (eufa b(n) - b) ⋅ eufa b(n) + b
for every n=0 1...

  • eufa b(n+1)  =  b + ∏k=0...n eufa b(k)
for every n=0 1...

Of course, if  B := eufa b(k) - a  for certain non-negative integer k then:
  • eufa B(n)  =  eufa b(k+n)
for every n=0 1...

For special values of integers a b, the sequence (eufa b(n) : n=0 1...) becomes the Euclid sequence, when (a b) := (1 1), or the Fermat sequence, when (a b) := (2 3); when b=1 then we suppress  b  by writing

eufa(n)  :=  eufa 1(n)

  • e(n) = euf1(n) — the Euclid sequence;
  • f(n) = euf2(n) — the Fermat sequence.
On the other hand, when a:=0, we obtain the constant sequence of values b.

The following properties of an Euclid-Fermat sequence eufa b are equivalent:
  • integers a b are relatively prime, i.e. gcd(a b) = 1;
  • eufa b(k) and eufa b(n) are relatively prime whenever k and n are different.
We may rewrite the above simple recursive formula, which expresses eufa b(n+1) in terms of eufa b(n) as follows:
  • eufa b(n+1)  =  (eufa b(n) - b/2)2 + b - b2/4
This formula allows to study the rate of increase (or decrease) of an Euclid-Fermat sequence.

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