Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Can't people understand a simple principle? It's NOT the goal of taxes to reduce the material inequality between people. For this, taxes are a very wrong tool. Taxes are for one and only one reason: to provide government with money, so that it can operate and carry certain projects.

The only institution which means to help poor people should be charity. Government should stay away from charity, it does more wrong than right, but if it has to be involved in helping the poor people then it should have a separate branch, called "Charity", while all other branches would be freed from such a consideration.

Actually, taxes should be lower, virtually non-existent, and charity should be done by people themselves, through a decentralized system.

I've described a way to tax, which would cause society the least harm, in Art of Agreeing, in Painless tax. (I stated this idea publicly a long time ago, and more than once, but never vigorously).

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